Welcome to Reeth Evangelical Congregational Church
In the heart of the Yorkshire dales
Weekly services are currently held at 11am and 4pm on Sundays, with a Bible study and prayer meeting at 7pm on Tuesdays. The second service is held in the Schoolroom at the rear of the church with refreshments available from 3.45pm. Please note that times and arrangements may vary depending on other events - do check the calendar page or contact us for updates.
Listen online
An audio recording of the weekly message is available here, usually from about 24 hours after the service.
During renovation work and Covid 19 lockdowns, pre-recorded services were available to watch on our Facebook page and can still be accessed by clicking here.
This does not require you to have a Facebook account.
An audio recording of the weekly message is available here, usually from about 24 hours after the service.
During renovation work and Covid 19 lockdowns, pre-recorded services were available to watch on our Facebook page and can still be accessed by clicking here.
This does not require you to have a Facebook account.
Who we are & how to find us
Members of the congregation come from a wide range of backgrounds but are united by a belief in Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour and Lord, a willingness to learn from his word, the Bible, and a desire to put his teaching into practice in their everyday lives.
Swaledale is a popular holiday area and throughout the year we are joined by many visitors from a variety of different churches along with those of no particular faith who come in out of curiosity - all are equally welcome and no-one will be shocked by shorts and walking boots. For anyone interested in learning more we can arrange informal sessions looking at the basics of the Christian faith and life. Details of how to find us or get in touch are here. You can listen to some of our recent sermons here. The church has close links with the Old Temperance Christian Bookshop a few minutes walk away. To contact the Bookshop phone 01748 884185 or email: Elizabeth Gregson The Bookshop is temporarily closed and will reopen at Easter. We own a small cottage in the village which is usually available to rent for holidays and occasional short term lets - please note that this is currently unavailable. HistoryThere has been an independent congregation on this site since the late 18th century. Details of the church's history are on a site which is currently under construction. If you have a query relating to family history please contact Tracy Little.
Diary & special events
Details of planned meetings are on our diary page.
Sunday services are usually at 11am and 4pm, and the Bible Study and Prayer Meeting is at 7pm on Tuesdays. Occasionally there may be a change to this pattern - please check the diary page for up to date information.
Meetings for ladies are held fortnightly on Monday afternoons - everyone is welcome. Once a month, usually on the third Saturday of the month, we host an informal drop-in for coffee and cakes from 10am to noon.
There is no charge and everyone is welcome. Dates in the near future are: 18th January, 15th February, 15th March & 12th April. Christianity ExploredPlease contact us for details of informal sessions looking at some basic Christian beliefs. Everyone is welcome.